Choosing a location for your photo shoot can be a challenge but as photographers we are here to help. A few things to think about when choosing a location are:
1. What type of surroundings do you want to have? Nature, fields, urban, rustic, clean and modern?
2. Does it offer variety?
3. Are we allowed to have a session there? Does it cost anything?
4. Do you have a spot that holds special meaning?
1.What type of surroundings do you want to have? Nature, fields, urban, rustic, clean and modern?
The first thing you want to think about when selecting a location or when having us help suggest locations to you is what kind of style you would like your portraits to be. Would you like most of them to be in a nature, urban, rustic, or modern setting? We have a variety of locations that we work with but the first thing that helps us narrow it down is your style.
2. Does it offer variety?
In order to have a nice well rounded session we like to shoot in locations that offer some variety. If you like fields we can pick a spot that has a field, maybe a lake, and some trees as well. That way you get a gallery that has a nice mix of your surroundings.
3. Are you allowed to have a session there? Does it cost anything?
There are many beautiful locations that allow you to have your session in them but do require a fee. The fee is the responsibility of the client, unless of course we request the location to you. Some locations do not require a fee but do ask for permission and require us to send them our proof of insurance. This is no problem at all! We can get that taken care of but the process can take a month or so, so be sure to give us enough notice in advance. (some of the national park systems request this information)
4. Do you have a location that holds special meaning to you?
Maybe you met on your college campus, go walking in one special park all the time, spend all of your time in the coffee shop, or enjoy going fishing. Whatever or where ever it might be if you have a special spot that helps define your relationship we would love to take you there and capture those special memories for you in the location that holds a special place in your heart. Let us know this up front and we will do our best to make it work! It normally makes for some really awesome locations!
Choosing a location for your photo shoot can be a challenge but as photographers we are here to help. What location ideas do you have? Do you have a special place that hold meaning to you? We would love to know please share your special places with us!